Friday 17 June 2011

Encountered Problems

One of the immediate problems I had to deal with, was correcting the tracking data.  It was actually quite easy for me to research and write about match moving and not really grasp its utter importance.  I thought I could easily work with a piece of footage without track points setup during the actual shoot.  Of course, After Effects can attempt to track anything within reason, I thought this would be enough.

Even though I tried my best to pick areas of high contrast to use for tracking.  In this image, you can see the individual tracking data (the aqua squares), each one represents one keyframe.  Its immediatly obvious from the picture that the tracking data here is bad, jumping all over the place, leading to very jittery parenting.
This made my matte jitter about really badly, I had to re track many times to try and improve the results. Sadly it was hard to make progress.

Eventually I decided to remove the 1st few seconds of footage, so I could move onto just a single track.  Whats more, the later half of the footage contained much easier and appropriate track points, rather than the difficult sandy coloured ground.  Whats more, adjusting the track manually is something I was not familiure with, I assumed the points had to be re arranged into a smooth line, however this was a daunting task.

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